That's right. My baby is turning into a little boy! I'm not sure how I feel about that. He sure is a cute little boy though!
Wednesday was officially Dean's last day as a baby....that was the last day he got a bottle. Ever since he stopped breast feeding at about 7 months old, he's been a major bottle baby! I half-heartedly started to introduce a sippy cup (as all "the books" say to do) around his first birthday. He wasn't interested. I continued to patiently try coaxing him to use a cup for the past 6 months. Now I have to be honest and say that I could have tried harder. But he REALLY REALLY hated drinking milk from a cup (and still does hate it). Besides, I think if I'm really honest with myself I didn't WANT him to make that transition. I knew he needed to and I knew that I had to keep trying. But to me, that really marked the end of his babyhood and I wanted to hold on to that just a little longer. And with this one sometimes I just have to choose my battles. Besides, it wasn't like he was going to go to high school with a bottle in his mouth (I have my good friend Ellyn to thank for that guilt alleviating piece of wisdom....thanks Ellyn!). For some reason, his turning 18 months was a turning point. I finally forced myself to get tough. So Wednesday morning Dean had his last bottle. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I do miss seeing him sit in his little chair with a bottle in his mouth, contentedly watching "Elmo"...and that's just it. I think it's been harder on me than on him. I wanted so badly to give him a bottle last night while I rocked him before bedtime. Why is that? He seemed fine without it. Oh well. It hasn't been all smooth sailing though. Wednesday was actually the worst. If I even walked toward him with a cup in my hand he would start screaming. And if he actually took it from me and realized it was milk, he would throw the cup across the room, then throw himself on the floor and scream and scream. In his mind, milk belongs in a bottle...not a cup. After a day and a half of lots of juice and water (so he'd stay hydrated) and a whole 6-pack of Yo Baby yogurt (so he'd get his calcium and protein), he's finally taking milk from a cup.
So as a reward for his accomplishment (as if he isn't spoiled enough already!!!), Dean got 2 new toys today....a Diego tent and a Little Tikes ride-on dump truck. So far he is ignoring the tent and pushing the dump truck all over the house. Here are some pics...
Such a big boy....