Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I forgot to tell this funny little story about our camping trip....Dean doesn't see me wearing a hat too often and I had on a stocking cap most of the day while we were at Poli Poli. Dean looked at me and said "Hey! Lily wears one of those Mommy!" and then giggled really cute like. I was like "She does? Who's Lily?". Then my 3-yr-old son says "You know Mommy. Lily. From the Young and the Restless!". Yes. That's right. My son knows the characters on the Young and the Restless well enough to know that Lily, who is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments for Ovarian cancer, wears a stocking cap every day to hide her bald head!!!!

You think this is my sign that maybe it's time to stop letting my 3-year-old stay in the room while I watch my soap?? Maybe I should have taken the hint several weeks ago when I was watching and Dean, almost as excited as I was, squeals "Mommy! Mommy! Look! Victor's back!! Why is Victor so mad Mommy?"

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